
Anybody interested in moving the trip forward by one day?

From May 30 - June 3 to May 31 to June 4 so that our traveling days would be Thursday and Monday and the riding days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Just curious.



Big A said…
Have you checked to see if we can change the dates of our lodging?
gagknee said…
no, not yet. but i figured it wouldn't be a big deal since sunday is an off day for lodging anyway.
Rob said…
Gagknee- I think we can leave after work on Weds and be there with time to sleep and be ready to ride on Thursday.
rburnsy said…
Changing the day will not work for me at all. I have already planned around Chrissy's work schedule and I'm getting very busy with work.
gagknee said…
thats cool. thats cool. i was just checking.