Trip Report: Day 2

Another beautiful day for riding. A little hotter and dustier than yesterday, but still nice. Today was relatively incident-free. Everybody's machines ran perfectly. Rob bent a footpeg on a rock, but his foot is fine. Larry hit two trees - but they were baby ones that he just pushed over and kept on going, so it doesn't really count, - and of course, since I'm sure it's the first question on everybody's mind, it was another day entirely free of nipple pain for Big A, but Rob experienced some spontaneous nipple bleeding - perhaps Trish should get him his own personalized nipple protection system.

We made friends with a guy at lunch who felt it necessary to assure us that he does not approve of incest. His exact words were "Just 'cause some people do it, doesn't mean everybody does it. I love my cousins, but only from a distance"

After lunch we took a quicky cruise around "Historic" Matewan, WV. This is the town we stopped in for lunch. It literally has two streets. Near the end of the video you will see us cross a bridge into Kentucky for lunch:

Todd had to make an emergency visit to the woods after eating some bad cole slaw at lunch.

Big A had several violent sneezing attacks due to allergies, but fortunately managed to maintain control of his ATV. He also swallowed a bug that wouldn't get all the way down. There was a lot of coughing and gagging, and he thinks even now that whatever it was either stung or bit him back there, because it still hurts to swallow.

We like to name various parts of the trails after ourselves in order to help remember things that happen. One such part of today's trail is called "Nate's Hill" due to an unfortunate mishap Nate had a couple of years ago. Fortunately there were no such incidents today, although only 4 guys would attempt it.

Another such place place is called "Big A's hole". This is a mudhole that is Big A's nemesis. Every year Big A tries to go through, and every year Grubby has to pull him out of it. Fresh off his defeat from yesterday, Big A had something to prove, and was determined not to fail. Here is a video of today's attempt:

After Big A conquered the mudhole, he offered Todd his machine to give it a shot:

Anyway, here are some more pictures from the days ride:

This was taken at the trailhead before we got started. Not sure why Larry took a picture of some other random guy unloading his trailer. Maybe he thought he had nice legs.

A bunch of us milling around near a little tunnel that goes to nowhere in the middle of the mountain.

This is a little building made entirely out of coal located in the heart of the town of Williamson. We went there in search of the "I love coal" bumper stickers that everybody around here seems to have. Unfortunately, it was closed by the time we got there.

Another picture of the coal house.

The group lined up at a stoplight in Williamson.

Trish, I'm sorry - we never got any pictures of Larry again today. But if it makes you feel any better, I DID get a picture of the mess he left for me in the bathtub:


Nhmommaof5 said…
I guess street signs don't have to be obeyed.

Our oldest child, upon watching the mud hole video, expressed that Mr. Scruton got through on his first try!
Trish said…
Maybe next year I should make a few sets of nipple protection.
You could try nursing pads inside your shirts...that might help.

Still waitin' for a picture of L-Dub...:) Is He even with you guys??

Drive safe ...see you soon.