
Just wondering if we had a tenative count on who is going this year from up north. I believe that we have a definate of 3, being L-dub, Wingnut, and myself. I'm pretty sure that Hans and Frans are planning on going again this year. That is a full trailer of 5. I have heard that Gubby and Nate might be interested as well. That is going to make travel a little difficult. Has anyone else heard from them?


gagknee said…
grubby is definitely going.
rburnsy said…
Maybe we can put a couple of machines standing up on end
Big A said…
In case you doubted Andy, I have also independantly confirmed last night that Grubert is definitely going.

If you could get all the machines on one trailer, maybe somebody else could just drive a car.
Rob said…
If we could get Big A, Big E, and Guido... you could get another full load.
L-DUB said…
I've seen it done, but I don't think anybody wants their machine on end for 15 hours going down the highway. Woundn't we have to drain the gas out of them every time we put them on the trailer?
Big A said…
I think if you shut off the gas and drained the carbs, that would be good enough.
gagknee said…
is the trailer wide enough to put them side by side, then maybe the sport machines could be loaded with the front wheels on the racks of other machines.