So does this mean we are gonna break with "tradition" and go for BBQ this year? Don't get me wrong now. I really like the people in the border town restaurant, and how it takes 30 min. to scrape up a chicken leg one chicken plank and a nugget. And how it's all fried up ON the plate like when Moe turned his bar into a "family" restaurant. The thing is I wouldn't mind breaking my tradition of having to immediately proceed up the mountain and poo in the bushes. I just wouldn't mind tryin' the BBQ. Anyways I guess I just can't enjoy the meal knowing whats coming. Maybe I'll get the BBQ and sit outside on the park bench and endure the dirty looks from the owners, while watching Larry scarf his burger. OK someone will have to sign me in on the trip log there.(If I don't get blacklisted)
Then there's THE gas station across the border that has not had a bathroom for two years now......I've asked. But slot machines.... YES! If you wanted more business, wouldn't you want BOTH? Huh.. Never really had the time to sit and think that one out. Oh well.
Isn't WV fun? I can't wait to do it again. Can we go now? My pass is good for the year!
Just funnin' around man, I'll eat just about anything.... And may I submit as evidence that there's some poor deer running around Guam with half a liver.
So does this mean we are gonna break with "tradition" and go for BBQ this year? Don't get me wrong now. I really like the people in the border town restaurant, and how it takes 30 min. to scrape up a chicken leg one chicken plank and a nugget. And how it's all fried up ON the plate like when Moe turned his bar into a "family" restaurant. The thing is I wouldn't mind breaking my tradition of having to immediately proceed up the mountain and poo in the bushes. I just wouldn't mind tryin' the BBQ. Anyways I guess I just can't enjoy the meal knowing whats coming. Maybe I'll get the BBQ and sit outside on the park bench and endure the dirty looks from the owners, while watching Larry scarf his burger. OK someone will have to sign me in on the trip log there.(If I don't get blacklisted)
Then there's THE gas station across the border that has not had a bathroom for two years now......I've asked. But slot machines.... YES! If you wanted more business, wouldn't you want BOTH? Huh.. Never really had the time to sit and think that one out. Oh well.
Isn't WV fun? I can't wait to do it again. Can we go now? My pass is good for the year!
and, yes, we are going to try the BBQ place this year.