More carburetor talk

So I pulled the Carb off. First of all, this is the most complicated Carb I have ever worked on. (granted, I have only ever worked on 2 other ones, so it's not a huge sample) there were like 100 tubes/wires that had to be removed. Yes, I said wires. This thing has a carb heater which supposedly helps it cold start. I don't know if it makes much difference or not. I guess I've never had trouble starting it in the winter, so I guess it works. It was kind of a PAIN to remove, though. It's positioned in such a way that you think this screw needs to be removed to take it off - until you get the screw all the way out and realize it's the pilot screw and now you have no idea what position it was in. I'll worry about that later.

Once I got all the tubes disconnected, and pulled it out, I drained the bowl and some really green looking gas came out. I started disassembling it - sidebar: Why are carburetor screws always really soft philips head screws that are super-tight? I got the float bowl and vacuum cover off, but wrecked about half the screw heads in the process.

Anyway, I got the float bowl and vacuum cover off and It actually looks pretty good. No tell-tale Jelly or really even varnish. There is some grit in the bottom of the float bowl, but that's about it. I pulled the main Jet out and looked through it with a flashlight - it looks pretty clean. Didn't take any of the other jets out or disassemble it further. I'm just going to dip it in some carb cleaner and see what happens. The vacuum Piston seems to move freely, although there is a little bit of varnish on the sides and the needle looks a little dirty. I'll clean those up too before I put it back together.


Rob said…
Maybe fresh gas (non-green) will do the trick.
Big A said…
Maybe I should have taken Gagknee's suggestion before tearing the carb apart.
rburnsy said…
I recomend blowing out the whole thing with a compressor really good. Sometimes you can't see crap stuck in jets and ports.
Big A said…
Well, there was SOME grit in the bottom of the float bowl, so it's entirely possible there's a little bit of grit elsewhere. I'm going to take Todd's suggestion and submerge it in carburetor cleaner for about 20 minutes.
gagknee said…
i'm smarter than i look
Big A said…
If we were to say, "No, you're not" - would you take that as a compliment or an insult?