Here we go again......

I had lunch with Chris R. today, and told him we set a date. He checked his PDA right away and told me he is not busy that week. Then as I was getting out of the car, he said "welllll, my new company HAS been screwing around with my vacation time......"

Sorry Chris - that is not an acceptable excuse. You used the "new job" excuse last year. :)


gagknee said…

maybe Big E will go.
Big A said…
He did say he was going to mention it to him.

He actually said that he has some time off coming as well, so I think he can swing it if he wants to.
Rob said…
Big E has a 400ex that is a Hatfield McCoy Virgin.
gagknee said…
poor little 400EX. thats so sad.
rburnsy said…
I talked to both of them last year and they said the same thing.