Who's Who

Is there a count yet of who is going? I know it is early, but has anyone talked to Grubby? We figured on 6. Any more than 4 from up here is going to require 2 vehicles. We could put 5 in my truck but it would not be as comfortable as last year. If Grubby is not going than I might have someone interested, but Grubby gets first priority. Any input?


gagknee said…
Arik and I have talked to him. He's going.
gagknee said…
but he drove his car a couple of years ago. he might be willing to do that again, if he has a way to get his machine down there.
Rob said…
Do we have any word from Guido or Big E?
Big A said…
Guido is interested although he feigned disappointment that we didn't even include him in the discussion on dates or where to stay...

Guido says that he will mention it to Big E.
Rob said…
Maybe Richard should make contact with Big E too.