I've been researching methods of recording the helmet cam video that don't involve tapes and primadonna camcorders.
I found this little unit (hehe, little unit), Sandisk V-Mate, that uses SD cards. I've seen it online for $99. It uses SD memory cards and I've seen 2gb cards for $40 or so. That'll give at least a couple of hours of recording time. And then at the end of the day I can just transfer the video from the SD card to my laptop.
The only problem is that its not meant to be portable, so it doesn't use a battery. My question for you smart engineering types is would it be possible to rig up a battery for this thing?
"possible". Reasonable, practical, economical are entirely different.
At any rate, I think it is likely that we could rig something up, but I need to find out more about the specs. All it says in the specs for power is "power".
It is unlikely that the electronics in there run on anything higher than about 5V DC, but the question is where does it get converted? Does the box take the AC directly and then have a transformer built-in? If that is the case, our job gets a lot more difficult. It could be done, but it would involve modifying the inside of the box - not practical. Or does it have a 6V or 12V DC input with the transformer bult into the plug? Then our job becomes a lot easier. We would still need to find specs on power consumption so we could build an appropriately sized battery pack.