Changes to the Counter

The changes I had previously made to the counter have been modified to only take effect when we are one day away. During the process of fixing a bug that Big A pointed out to me, the counter caused me a splitting headache, and I can't stomach the thought of seeing it for three days straight.

Disclaimer: changing the counter has nothing to do with sympathy towards others and how the counter might affect their brains, it is simply a matter of self preservation. Nothing more, nothing less.


stendy said…
the counter still gives me a headache
Rob said…
It makes me want to puke.
Wingnut13 said…
I think I feel sick...
Trish said…
vomiting as I type!
gagknee said…
yeah, babies, just wait until Friday.
gagknee said…
i could replace the weather banner with a really big counter...
Big A said…
I still think you need to put a siezure warning.
Big A said…
It was less obnoxious with the bug.
Wingnut13 said…
WHOOO HOOOOO!!! Counter don't bug me no mo' can you say White Out! Works wonders.
gagknee said…
whats wrong with you people?!
Trish said…
Eww! THAT is really bad today!
Rob said…
I guess I should change my oil.
gagknee said…
that is awesome. i think the colors need to be more random though, rather than using the same 6 over and over.
L-DUB said…
Yes, randomize the color, font, character size. Not for the entire text, but for EACH character.
gagknee said…
gagknee said…
i'll save it for next year though