Indian Ridge Posted by gagknee on April 26, 2010 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Did we ride Indian Ridge last year? Comments Rob said… I think we did. The "Ashland Company Store" was closed, so we rode to the "Community Connector" only to find a place too scary to eat at.Although... I seem to remember both Hans and Frans being there, so I could be wrong. gagknee said… i vote we skip going to indian ridge or pinnacle creek this year anyway. they are so far away. let's just ride rockhouse. its been a few years since we spent a whole day on it. Rob said… Buffalo Mtn, Bear Wallow, and Rockhouse? gagknee said… yeah, that sounds good to me rburnsy said… I agree. Buffalo Mtn, Bear Wallow and Rockhouse. Rob said… Sounds like a plan. Rob said… Although, we could skip Bear Wallow just to annoy Big A... Big A said… looks like it won't matter...
Although... I seem to remember both Hans and Frans being there, so I could be wrong.