I used to have 6 (3 pair) of A.R.C black riding socks (enough for one trip without having to do laundry) now I only have 5 (2 1/2 pair) of A.R.C. black riding socks. You can see where this puts me at a disadvantage when it comes to not doing any laundry.
If anybody has discovered a lone black sock in their stuff could you let me know so I don't go out and do something crazy like buy another pair of socks? Thanks.
Also, I am missing two pairs of gloves, 1 blue pair of Thor and a blue pair of O'Neal. Perhaps you fell in love with them and they accidentally fell into your suitcase. It's okay. Nobody is judging you.
If anybody has discovered a lone black sock in their stuff could you let me know so I don't go out and do something crazy like buy another pair of socks? Thanks.
Also, I am missing two pairs of gloves, 1 blue pair of Thor and a blue pair of O'Neal. Perhaps you fell in love with them and they accidentally fell into your suitcase. It's okay. Nobody is judging you.