Rumors are Flying

I heard a rumor that Big A may be gracing the hills of West Virginia with his presence once again. Here's hoping Big A's hole will become reaquainted with its namesake!


gagknee said…
hopefully it will have mud in it this year.

i also heard a rumor that grubby won't be going.
Rob said…
That sucks. Come on Grubby...
L-DUB said…
"Big A's" Hole...

Makes me laugh and feel dirty at the same time.
Big A said…
If Chris doesn't go, who is going to winch me out of the hole?
gagknee said…
three 400exs and a foreman should be able to pull you out with tow straps :)
Rob said…
Hans and Frans will lift you out with their bare hands to impress the locals.

So who is actually going?
gagknee said…
big a is not aware of hans and franz's feats of massive strength.