Day 2: Bear Wallow Hallow… or Ain’t No Bear Going Up that Hill

Bear Wallow, such a lovely trail system. But note to self, if the trail is labeled black, it’s probably really a black, not a blue. There is an old expression: if you’re going through hell, just keep on going. This expression does not apply to riding trails in West Virginia. Trail 69 and 94… the first trail makes you think you’ll be fine, come what may, then the second trails starts beating you harder and harder until little boys riding two-wheel drive sport machines have no choice but to submit. A mere 200 yards from the top of the trail, I cried uncle. Too steep, too rocky… I lost my nerve. The two 4x4 machines were able to finish the job (L-Dub and Grubby), but the rest of us had to double back and go the long way. We’ll live to ride another day.

We rode into Logan, the Wendy’s has been remodeled. The ride into town takes you through a neighborhood that always causes me a little anxiety and a little depression. The word squalor comes to mind.

Back on the trails, we headed out to find the coal hills. Some joker switched a couple trail signs on trail 16, which sent us on a little detour, but we made it. The biggest hill was impassable, and Hans’s jump was washed out.

The most humorous moment of the day, nay the whole year, occurred at the big mud hole on trail 16. This will forever be known as Andy’s Pool (unless someone else thinks of a more creative way to describe the place where Andy went for a swim.) Andy decided to try to ride through what looked to be the easy end of the mud hole. He nosed his machine in and it quickly swallowed him whole. In what seemed like slow motion, his machine rejected the notion and sent him bum over tea kettle right into the drink… the nasty brown frog and salamander infested drink. The rest of us laughed our bums off. Funniest thing ever.

Here we are at dinner still laughing about it:


Trish said…
Rob I think you may have a fall back career of writing....are you going to do a description of day 3? The Guys got home around 10:45 last night!
gagknee said…
it was pretty funny, i must admit.
L-DUB said…
Very Funny!!! I can't believe you made be pee on my shoes.
gagknee said…
next time i will wait until you are done before i do something dumb